Why brand value needs to be a board room priority
The other day I found myself talking to a Board of Directors and their C-Suite, explaining why brand value is not only the responsibility of a company’s marketing team, but one of the most important areas of responsibility for the board itself. As an intrinsic part of...
To succeed in today’s climate, advertising needs to remember its purpose
The more things change, the more things stay the same – such is the truth in so many areas of work and life. However, at no time, certainly in my memory, has any industry, including advertising, experienced such accelerated change as it has this year, and yet its...
What do you have that other people want?
Businesses seem to have fallen into three categories over the last year. There are those whose marketing departments seem to have adopted radio silence, there are those who have put information out on the pretext of being helpful but have shown in their follow through...
Reimagining the city of London as if you were a new board of directors
With the vaccine roll-outs, I can’t help but think what a post-Covid London is going to look like, and how we are going to promote The City on the world stage moving forward. None of us are the same after the year we have endured. The same goes for The City. As a...
Letter from the incoming President
Dear fellow Members of the Aldgate Ward Club, I am honoured to be The President of the Aldgate Ward Club and will do my best to live up to the high standards set by my predecessors. Thank you for the confidence you have placed in me. I will do my up most to ensure an...
Too Hot to Trade? World Trade and Climate Action
The Worshipful Company of World Traders' Tacitus Lecture was held via Zoom this year on 25th February 2021, but If any of you missed the Tacitus Lecture last week, would like to watch it again, or have guests who would like to have attended but couldn't, the video is...