The Aldgate Ward Club is governed by the Committee, consisting of the President, Senior and Junior Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary and elected members all of which are elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting. 

Past Presidents also remain on the committee for 5 years and our Patron, the Ward’s Alderman, is also invited to attend, together with the Deputy and other Common Councilmen. 


Alderwoman Dame Susan Langley DBE


Tim McNally CC          President

David Sales CC           Immediate Past President

Vanessa Dal Busco   Senior Vice-President & Honorary Membership Secretary

Nick Smith                  Honorary Treasurer


Martin Ashton

Harby Janagol

Debra Sales – the Honorary Secretary

Dmytro Tupchiienko Honorary Webmaster

Andrew Lambert

Ian Krise

Jennifer Schwalbenberg


David Sales CC PP         

Hamish McArthur CC PP

Geliya Chukmarova PP

Sheriff Andrew Marsden MStJ PP

A full list of Past Presidents of the Club (from 1907) can be found here.


Fr Josh Harris              Honorary Chaplain

Nicholas Chapman      Honorary Examiner

Aldgate Ward Club Rules

The Club Rules can be found here: